Welcome to GarageDominium, the chronicle of our new home build.  Our design is centered around the garage and workshop, but has a 3 bedroom house attached.  Every day friends and family ask about the progress, so here it is.  The intent is to give occasional updates on the new home build and other things that are going on in the life of this retired engineer and his amazing wife.  To butcher a phrase coined by W.F. Strong – These are stories about us. Some of them are true. If you are into Texas history and folklore I highly recommend the W.F. Strong’s Texas Standard  – Stories from Texas podcast as well as Wise About Texas by Ken Wise.  If you are not into Texas history, what’s wrong with you?

Friends and family will already know this, but a little background is sometimes helpful for new friends.  First, I’m a Christian, buried with Christ through baptism at 12 years old.  I’m only perfect in the sense that Jesus makes me so.  I make lots of mistakes, but He still forgives. I hope you will too.  Graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Oklahoma State University.  Married to a very understanding woman with whom I raised two children.  I’m retired after 37 years of mechanical engineering.  My work was primarily in refinery rotating equipment reliability and specifications.  I still dabble in industry standards for a few organizations.  I enjoy Bible study, driving, boating, fixing things, woodwork, and giving my wife grief.  All these things flavor this dialog and the house build, as you will undoubtably see.

I hope you enjoy keeping up with this adventure.

– Daryl